2019! I'm so pumped for a fresh year. A new year brings all kinds of new feelings in me, but I have big plans for this year.
I know been crickets around these ends of the woods. We had our fourth baby boy at the end of January 2018, and things have honestly been going 110 mph since we welcomed Jace into the world. I have been blessed to be able to take so much time off and focus on learning to be a mom to four. So much time spent just sitting and rocking and nursing. The to do list just keeps getting longer. And did I mention how much laundry and dishes six people can make?!? It's crazy let's just leave it at that. Take note, if you come over unannounced, there will be dishes in the sink and toys you will have to step over. Our standards of a tidy home have definitely gone down a bit with each kid!
I know someday I’ll miss these tiring days, and their dirty little socks, but right now I’m just in the thick of it and it sure is not easy. To keep a bit of sanity, I have not overwhelmed myself with tons of paid shoots this past year. I've just been annoying the same dirty little faces at home with my camera in their mug all the freaking time. And what is it with pre teen boys who run from the camera when they see it out?
Since writing my goals out daily, and putting them out into the world is the best way for me to achieve them, I'm going to start here.
Photography is my way of telling stories, it's my creative outlet that makes me a sane person. Sharing my art, makes me proud, full of joy and makes me want to keep picking up my camera each day. My first goal of 2019 is going to be keeping this blog updated weekly. Weather it be highlighting past sessions I have not previously shared, or posting pictures of my family in pj's on a Saturday playing on the floor. I am going to show up with something new every week even if my mom is the only one reading it :)
One last THANK YOU to all the families who trusted me to capture them this past year in between diaper changes, nursing and naps. You guys are the best. And a HUGE thanks to my wonderful photog friend Angie Michuda for taking these photo's of my family this year so that I can actually be in photo's instead of behind the camera for once!
~ XO ~